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Q. How do I locate my parcel pins?

When a lot is platted, pins are placed at all corners of the property. Parcel pins are usually a piece of rebar driven into the ground and then capped at ground level with a colored plastic cap that includes the name of the surveyor who platted the land.  Over time, these pins tend to get pushed underground, but there are several ways to locate them. Review the map on our Property Search page, and either use a metal detector or dig at the corners indicated on the map. If you are unable to locate your pins, you will need to hire a licensed land surveyor. Names of licensed surveyors can be found under “surveyors-land” in the Yellow Pages of the phone book. Most licensed surveyors will provide you with an estimate of cost for performing the survey.

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About Our Office

The Mason City Assessor's main responsibility is to list and value all real property within their jurisdiction. This includes residential, multi-residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural classes of property. The City Assessor's Office exists by city ordinance and is governed by the City Conference Board. The Conference Board has three voting units and the Mayor is the chairperson.