What's Happening in Assessment Year 2024?

Per Iowa code, all real property is re-evaluated every two years, in odd number years. This means assessment notices will not be sent out for AY 2024 unless there have been significant changes or improvements to a property. If the property had a change in classification, any new improvements that required a building permit, any demolitions, or new construction, then that property will receive an assessment notice for AY 2024.
In even-numbered years, re-evaluation is not required but can still happen. In Assessment Year 2022, notices were sent out for all Mason City property because the Iowa Department of Revenue updated the Real Property Appraisal Manual to reflect the updated cost of materials and labor. All Iowa Assessors offices were required to update to this new manual which hadn't been updated since 2008.
Notices of 2024 values will be mailed and posted on our Beacon website by April 1st.